The development in technology has reached such a point that even the healthcare industry now relies on the Internet as well. Reliability mostly exists in the form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) when it comes to technology. Both of these technologies require an active connection to the internet for them to work seamlessly, therefore it is important for not just hospitals but even households to have a superfast internet connection, such as the likes of Spectrum Internet.
Now, you might be wondering “What does the internet and Artificial Intelligence have to do with healthcare?” and we have the answer for you right here in this article. You just need to keep reading to find out about the interesting ways that the internet and Artificial Intelligence play their role in the healthcare industry.
1.Accurate Cancer Diagnosis
Do you remember the time when people had to rely on their skills and observation for an accurate cancer diagnosis? There was a lot of trial and error involved and eventually, there were machines made that would make the process a bit easier to detect cancer in patients. What if we told you that now, in the age of the internet, it is possible to detect cancer in patients without any human involvement? That’s true! It is now possible to detect cancer in patients through the use of Artificial Intelligence. You can use software such as PathAIthat allows you to use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the best and most efficient way possible.
Using Artificial Intelligence also makes sure that there aren’t any errors while running tests and making deducing results from them.
2.The Incorporation of Machine Learning into Healthcare
One of the most common examples of the use of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare is Machine Learning in which there are a lot of machines and technologies involved that make use of Artificial Intelligence and not just that, it has different versions as well. Machine Learning makes use of a lot of algorithms that the computer can learn so that it can make diagnosis a much easier process. It may also be used to analyze patient records so that a medical history could be established and the treatment could be improved a lot more.
Machine Learning is also used in the concept of precision medicine in which Artificial Intelligence can help doctors determine which medicine is going to be better for the patient’s treatment. This is exactly how we pictured it would be like living in the future!
3.The Idea of Virtual Health Assistants
Who knew one day we would have robots doing our work for us? That is exactly what the concept of chatbots or virtual health assistants is. Not only are these assistants useful to doctors but they are also of much worth to patients as well. These virtual assistants are trained on Artificial Intelligence models and not only can they listen to what you have to say but they can also make sense out of it. Virtual Assistants can communicate via text messages, emails, and even calls in some cases. They can manage the information and data of patients for a smoother process. The assistants can also schedule appointments and can send reminders to patients. It can also followup with doctors to ensure that the patients made it to their appointments well on time.
This makes things a lot easier for the doctors and the patients as it reduces human effort and gets stuff done more accurately and responsibly. It also eases the burden on doctors so that they could do their jobs with added ease.
4.A Proper Diagnosis of Rare Diseases
Gone are the times when doctors had to work extensively so that they could diagnose and treat rare diseases in their patients. At first, there used to be a lot of trial and error but now with the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence, the process has been made a lot easier. There is a famous biotech platform called BERG, which makes it easier to map diseases and even create breakthrough vaccines and medicinal drugs. It makes use of research and development and adds some interrogative biology into the mix that then allows researchers and professionals to concoct medicines for patients with rare diseases.
BERG has also been used to provide treatment for Parkinson’s disease, which causes tremors in the body and decreases a bit of cognitive function as well. It can cause stiffness in the body, which in turn reduces motor function in the body.
Wrapping Up
Now you know what a vital role Artificial Intelligence has played in the healthcare industry as it has greatly reduced human effort and has added a lot more accuracy, which has now turned the impossible into possible!