I Speak Jesus is a powerful worship song from Darlene Zschech, an award-winning Christian singer and songwriter. The song is a declaration of faith and an invitation to speak Jesus’ name with conviction and love. The lyrics of the song are a powerful reminder of the power of speaking Jesus’ name and the transformation it can bring to our lives.
Overview of I Speak Jesus
I Speak Jesus is a song written by Darlene Zschech that was released on her album Hope. The song is a powerful declaration of faith and an invitation to speak Jesus’ name with love and conviction. The lyrics of the song are based on the Bible verse “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,” (Colossians 3:17). The song is a reminder of the power of speaking Jesus’ name and the transformation it can bring to our lives.
Full Lyrics of Darlene Zschech Song
Verse 1
I speak Jesus, I speak glory
I speak hope, I speak life
I speak His power, I speak His favor
I speak His love, I speak His grace
I speak Jesus, I speak Jesus
I speak His name, I speak His name
I speak His power, I speak His favor
I speak His love, I speak His grace
Verse 2
I speak freedom, I speak courage
I speak healing, I speak peace
I speak His power, I speak His favor
I speak His love, I speak His grace
Heaven and earth will pass away
But His Word will never pass away
I speak Jesus, I speak Jesus
I speak His name, I speak His name
I speak His power, I speak His favor
I speak His love, I speak His grace
I Speak Jesus is a powerful song of faith and hope. Its lyrics remind us of the power of speaking Jesus’ name and the transformation it can bring to our lives. As we continue to speak Jesus’ name, we can know that His love, grace, and favor will always be with us.