The Despicable Me franchise has been a beloved classic for many years. From the original movie in 2010 to the sequel in 2013, it has become a staple in many childhoods. One of the most iconic songs from the franchise is “I Swear,” which was featured in the sequel, Despicable Me 2. This song is a catchy and uplifting tune that has remained popular over the years. In this article, we will be taking a look at the full lyrics of the song and exploring its meaning.
Despicable Me 2: I Swear
The song “I Swear” was featured in Despicable Me 2, and it was written and sung by the American country music band, All-4-One. It was released in 2013 as part of the movie’s soundtrack, and it quickly became a hit. The song is an uplifting and inspirational anthem that is full of joy and positivity. It is a perfect addition to the light-hearted and fun world of Despicable Me.
Full Lyrics of the Iconic Song
The chorus of the song goes like this:
“I swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky
I’ll be there, I swear
Like a shadow that never leaves
I’ll be there, I swear”
The verses of the song are as follows:
“You can depend on me, like a knight in shining armor
Coming to your emotional rescue
I’ll never let you down, no matter what you do
I’m gonna stick around for you
I won’t let go, I won’t walk away
I’ll stand by you night and day
I swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky
I’ll be there, I swear”
The song is a powerful and moving declaration of love and loyalty. It is a reminder that no matter what, the person you love will always be there for you. It is a beautiful sentiment and a great addition to the Despicable Me franchise.
The song “I Swear” from Despicable Me 2 is a classic tune that has remained popular over the years. Its inspiring lyrics are full of love and loyalty, and it is a perfect addition to the light-hearted and fun world of the Despicable Me franchise. Whether you are a fan of the movie or not, the song is sure to put a smile on your face.