In The Heights is a musical written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the award-winning musical Hamilton. It tells the story of a working-class Latinx community in Washington Heights, New York City. The musical features a number of powerful and inspiring songs that capture the spirit and struggles of the people living in the neighborhood. In this article, we will explore the full lyrics of the In The Heights song.
Overview of In The Heights Song
In The Heights is a musical that features a variety of different songs. Each song in the musical contains a message that speaks to the struggles and triumphs of the people living in Washington Heights, New York City. The lyrics of the songs are full of powerful imagery and emotion that captures the spirit of the neighborhood. The songs are sung by a variety of characters in the musical, including Usnavi, Nina, Benny, and Vanessa.
Full Lyrics of In The Heights Song
The first song of the musical is “In the Heights”. It is sung by Usnavi in the opening scene of the musical. The song captures the spirit of the neighborhood with its upbeat tempo and inspiring lyrics. The song talks about the people of the neighborhood and how they are all connected by their shared experiences. The lyrics of the song include:
“In the heights
The people are alive
In the morning light
The streets are humming
The air is sweet with the sound of dreams
On the corner people gather around
And they talk about their lives
In the heights
We feel alive.”
The next song of the musical is “Breathe”. It is sung by Nina and is about her struggles with feeling like she doesn’t belong in the neighborhood. The song speaks to the feeling of being stuck in a place that is not your home. The lyrics of the song include:
“I’m stuck in this place
Where I don’t belong
I’m stuck in this place
Where I don’t belong
And I can’t breathe
I need to break free
So I can fly away
I need to find a way
To breathe.”
The third song of the musical is “96,000”. It is sung by Usnavi and Benny and is about Usnavi’s dream of winning the lottery and leaving the neighborhood. The song captures the feeling of hope and possibility that the lottery brings to the people of the neighborhood. The lyrics of the song include:
“96,000 dreams in the air
It’s a lottery in the sky
Take a chance and you might fly
Away from here
96,000 chances to be free
So take a chance and you might see
A better day is waiting for you and me.”
The fourth song of the musical is “When the Sun Goes Down”. It is sung by Vanessa and is about her struggles with feeling like she doesn’t belong in the neighborhood. The song speaks to the feeling of being alone and isolated in a place that is not your home. The lyrics of the song include:
“When the sun goes down
And the shadows fall
I’m alone in this place
I don’t belong
When the sun goes down
I’m all alone
Searching for a place
Where I can call my own.”
In The Heights is a musical that features a variety of powerful and inspiring songs. Each song in the musical contains a message that speaks to the struggles and triumphs of the people living in Washington Heights, New York City. This article explored the full lyrics of the In The Heights song, which capture the spirit and struggles of the people living in the neighborhood.