Two Moons, originally titled “2 Moons”, is a song by South Korean boy group EXO. Released on June 3, 2019, it is the title track of their sixth EP, Obsession. The song was written and composed by Kenzie, and is an EDM-trap track with a powerful beat and intense lyrics. It has become one of the group’s most popular songs, with the music video receiving over 200 million views on YouTube.
Song Overview
Two Moons is a powerful EDM-trap track with a strong beat and intense lyrics. The song was composed by Kenzie and features rap verses by EXO members Chanyeol and Sehun. The lyrics tell a story of a person’s longing for someone they can’t have, and the pain that comes with it. Musically, the track is a mix of EDM and trap elements, with a repetitive beat and a catchy chorus.
Full Lyrics
Verse 1 – Chanyeol:
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I’m in the dark, I’m in the dark
Feeling like I’m going crazy
I’m living life, but I’m not alive
I’m just pretending, can’t you see?
Two moons, two moons, two moons
I’m still waiting for someone to come
Two moons, two moons, two moons
I’m still waiting for someone to come
Verse 2 – Sehun:
I’m in the night, I’m in the night
It’s like I’m stuck in a maze
I’m losing faith, I’m losing faith
Can’t seem to find my way out
Two moons, two moons, two moons
I’m still waiting for someone to come
Two moons, two moons, two moons
I’m still waiting for someone to come
I’m in the dark, I’m in the dark
Can’t seem to find my way out
The pain is real, the pain is real
I’m still waiting for someone to come
Two moons, two moons, two moons
I’m still waiting for someone to come
Two moons, two moons, two moons
I’m still waiting for someone to come
Two Moons is an intense EDM-trap track with powerful lyrics and a catchy chorus. The song has become one of EXO’s most popular songs, with its music video receiving over 200 million views on YouTube. For fans of the group, Two Moons is sure to be a song to remember.